Thursday, November 20, 2008

The start of my first short story-!

Hey people (or whoever actually wants to read my stuff). Well, I basically finished writing my first full short story. But, I never got around to editing it, so I'm still working out the many (manymanymanymany) kinks in the flow, plot, pacing, etc. Well, here's the beginning if you want to get a feel of it. I still have to change it. (The wording and description doesn't seem adequate enough for me. ): ) Comments and criticism are welcomed!

The Fisher of Dreams----Part 1

Net dipped her hand in the blue green water and closed her eyes. The coolness was a pleasant feeling, one of the few feelings she had left. She took her hand out of the water and inspected it while flicking tiny water droplets off. It was ghostly white, almost transparent, and a little blurred around the edges, like always. Net frowned and sat back down, her little boat creaking gently. All she would have to do now was to wait for darkness to fall.

There were no fish in this swamp. The waters would kill any living thing that touched them. Then again, no creature that abided in the swamp was of the living. But, night was to fall soon, and souls would awaken again.

Net awoke to the tickling of a weeping willow branch. She had drifted a bit farther than she had expected. She hadn’t quite been sleeping, but lying down and closing her eyes was about as close as she could get. Net sat up and looked around; the sky had already turned from deep red to a shade of red violet. The time was soon. In the span of just a few minutes, Net watched the sky flow through a rainbow of colors, until finally, black velvet spread across the sky and ribbons of moonlight drifted through the willows. Somewhere, a song coursed from a throat, and the soft, rhythmic pulse of the swamps creatures arose. A blanket of fog spread across the waters, with swirls of white, blue, and emerald green. Net waited patiently for the picture to fully develop. The final touch came.

------------------To be continued

-Hand to the Emerald-

Guess what?! My writing comes with pictures!!! 8D

Hey, don't ask me why I named her Net. Well, actually, never mind. Ask away.
COPYRIGHT TO MEEEE! THE IDEA, STORY, EVERYTHING! D: Don't steal from a little kid like me, kay? Well, enjoy~!

Much love,

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